Advantages of Metal Roofing

Are you a homeowner looking to upgrade your current roofing system? Perhaps you’re looking for the best way to make an investment in your property. Whatever your current status in roof shopping, steel should be at the top of your options list. When comparing metal to traditional materials, some things to consider would be how long you expect to be in the home, the upfront cost of installation and how much money you’d like to save in the long run.

For many homeowners, steel roofs are practical upgrades due to their longevity. The lifespan of a metal roof is between 50-100 years depending on the type used. In comparison, an asphalt shingle roof has an estimated expectancy of 12-20 years. If you are in the market for a long term return on your roof investment, steel might be the best choice.

Traditional roof materials can have a low upfront cost but generally have to be replaced or repaired more often than a metal roof. In addition, this could be compounded if you live in an area susceptible to high winds, extreme heat or strong storms. Steel roofs can withstand higher wind speeds, are favored in snowy climates for their shedding abilities and can even protect from wildfires.

In some states, such as Texas and California, homeowners could see an increase in their insurance savings when installing a metal roof. Metal roofs are fire resistant since they are non-combustible and therefore can help protect your home from fire. A metal roof can also aid your energy bill by producing on average up to 40% in cooling costs and 10-15% in heating cost. And while it may seem contradictory, a metal roof actually reflects solar heat back into the atmosphere versus absorbing the energy. Additionally, steel can be recycled and is much greener for the environment compared to asphalt shingle roofing systems. 

For some people, the advantages outweigh the cost and for others the investment in their future is enough. If you’re ready to make the switch to a green, energy efficient and durable roof system, we are ready to get started.

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